The Holy Family R.C. Church Mossend  


We in Holy Family Parish, Mossend, commit ourselves to becoming:

  • A Christian community which unashamedly shines a beacon light in the midst of a secular world and strives to dialogue with this world so that all men and women may come to know the God within them.
  • A community centered on the Word of God where God’s Word is proclaimed and heard in a way which is relevant and life-giving.
  • A community which seeks to nourish its members by a dignified yet spirited celebration of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist which is at the very centre of its life.
  • A community known for our faith, hope and love and for our eagerness to share with others the riches and beauty of the truth that we treasure.
  • A communty which preaches by word and example the Gospel message of justice and peace and proclaims the sanctity of life in all its stages.
  • A community where the disadvantaged and marginalised feel welcome and valued and their voices heard.
  • We commit ourselves to being the kind of community where, what was once said of the people of God in the days of Zechariah, may also be said of us:

‘In those days, then, men from nations of every
language will take a Jew by the sleeve and say :

‘We want to go with you,
since we have learned that God is with you’.”

(Zech. 8:23)


Lent 2009



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